1r: BUGS World 1 ------------ Pupil's book + Activity book (1 llibre) .........................Editorial Macmillan
2n: BUGS World 2 ----------- Pupil's book + Activity book (1 llibre) .........................Editorial Macmillan
3r: BUGS World 3 --------- Pupil's book and Activity book.....................................Editorial Macmillan
4t: BUGS World 4 --------- Pupil's book and Activity book. ....................................Editorial Macmillan
5è: BUGS World 5 ------------ Pupil's book and Activity book...................................Editorial Macmillan
6è: BUGS World 6 ------------ Pupil's book and Activity book....................................Editorial Macmillan
Els/les alumnes de Cicle Superior (5è i 6è) també necessitaran un diccionari bilingüe preferiblement un OXFORD POCKET